Martial Arts Instructor Accreditation

What is Accreditation?

Accreditation is a nationally recognised process that establishes a martial arts instructor is able to provide instruction in a manner that is safe, responsible, and accountable with appropriate levels of understanding as to their legal and community obligations.

Specifically, accreditation:

What Accreditations are recognised in Australia?

There are only two types of accreditation that are recognised:

Please note that the Coaching General Principles certificate that can be secured from TAFE colleges DOES NOT qualify an instructor as Accredited.

Accredited instructors are also bound by the National Code of Practice for Martial Arts Centres and Instructors and must carry appropriate levels of public liability and professional indemnity insurance.

If you wish to check on the Accreditation status of an instructor, the Martial Arts Industry Association (MAIA) provides for free a National Accreditation Record Service that can be accessed by telephoning 02 8736 1229.

All AJKDA member Instructors are required to be government accredited within the first year of their membership.

An accredited instructor will be able to show you his or her accreditation card.

Examples of these cards are shown here: